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Healthy Malden, Inc. HIV-AidsTask Force

Healthy Malden

Draft Mission

The HIV/AIDS Task Force of Malden and Everett works to increase the quality and availability of knowledge, services, and resources in all matters relating to HIV infection and AIDS to Malden and Everett residents regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, disability,  gender, age or sexual orientation and health insurance status.

The Task Force will provide public education, prevention and awareness campaigns in a culturally competent and linguistically appropriate manner concerning the transmission of HIV. As part of its prevention effort, the Task Force will build the capacity of partner organizations to provide services in a harm-reduction framework and educate the public about the role of harm reduction practices and their role in preventing the transmission of HIV.

The Task Force will:

·        Encourage partner organizations to strengthen their staffs’ cultural and linguistic competency skills in order to provide services of the highest quality;

·        Increase awareness of available HIV testing and resources through information coordination and organized public information campaigns;

·        Oversee the work of partner organizations to ascertain that every Malden and Everett HIV-positive resident has access to quality care and services; and

·        Coordinate partner organizations’ efforts to acquire any additional funds available to provide HIV/AIDS testing and resources and quality services.

Draft Vision

No new HIV/AIDS Cases in Malden or Everett HIV-positive individuals will have access to early HIV testing and early treatment.

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